Seen ✔️✔️

Two ticks
One to show that I’ve spoken and another to remind me that you don’t care.

Maybe it was my mistake.
See my mind rings with the echoes of our laughter so excuse me for wanting to bring the joys of the past to the not so wonderfully wrapped present.

See, it’s not the silence that hurts.
It’s also not the fact that when you do pop up, your desire for conversation is as dry as the inside jokes we once shared.

What hurts is the fact that I mattered so little that my value was not big enough for a conversation that ended with “all the best”.
What hurts is the fact that your respect for what we once shared was so small that I didn’t deserve a proper goodbye.
Instead, I matter just enough that should I unfollow, you’d be the first to start a conversation – for once.

It’s funny because when I’m ready to let the past rot away the way you did our bond,
You pop up asking about my family.
I then fall into the trap thinking that maybe you do care, but truth is, your ego just wants to swim in the split second that it takes me to respond to you.

You sought me out, and then you pulled me away from the walls I broke nails to build.
You weaved your way into every aspect of my life, to the point where when cracked, my heart would reach out to you for a plaster.

I guess I needed you more than you wanted me.
Truth is you needed a fan to blow up your phone just as quick as they did your ego.
Because one day, you just disappeared and what we had became what you now are – a ghost.

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